“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”
- Claude Bernard -

Journal Publications

Conference Publications
2022: D. Ravi, SB Blumberg, S Ingala, F Barkhof, DC Alexander, NP Oxtoby Degenerative adversarial neuroimage nets for brain scan simulations: Application in ageing and dementia Medical Image Analysis
2020: K. Mengoudi, D. Ravi', K. XX Yong, S. Primativo, I. Pavisic, E. Brotherhood, K. Lu, J. M Schott, S. J Crutch, D. C Alexander Augmenting Dementia Cognitive Assessment with Instruction-less Eye-tracking Tests Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
2019: D. Ravì, A. B. Szczotka, S. P. Pereira, T. Vercauteren, Adversarial training with cycle consistency for unsupervised super-resolution in endomicroscopy Medical Image Analysis My Talk at MIDL!
2019: H. Fabelo, S. Ortega, A. Szolna, D. Bulters, J. F. Pieiro, S. Kabwama, A. JO' Shanahan, H. Bulstrode, S. Bisshopp, B. R. Kiran, D. Ravì and others, In-Vivo Hyperspectral Human Brain Image Database for Brain Cancer Detection, IEEE Access
2018: D. Ravì, A.B. Szczotka, D.I Shakir, S. P. Pereira, T. Vercauteren, Effective deep learning training for single-image-super-resolution in endomicroscopy exploiting video-registration-based reconstruction International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
2018: H. Fabelo, S. Ortega, D. Ravì, B. R. Kiran, C. Sosa, D. Bulters, G. M. Callicó, H. Bulstrode, A. Szolna, J. F. Piñeiro, S. Kabwama, D. Madroñal, R. Lazcano, A. J. O’Shanahan, S. Bisshopp, M. Hernández, A.Báez, G-Z Yang, B. Stanciulescu, R. Salvador, E. Juárez, R. Sarmiento, Spatio-Spectral Classification of Hyperspectral Images for Brain Cancer Detection During Surgical Operations, PLOS ONE
2018: H. Fabelo, S. Ortega, R. Lazcano, D. Madroñal, G. M. Callicó, E. Juárez, R. Salvador, D. Bulters, H.Bulstrode, A. Szolna, J. F. Piñeiro, C. Sosa, A. J. O’Shanahan, S. Bisshopp, M. Hernández, J. Morera, D.Ravì, B. R. Kiran, A. Vega, A. Báez, G-Z Yang, B. Stanciulescu, R. Sarmiento,
An Intraoperative Visualization System Using Hyperspectral Imaging to Aid in Brain Tumor Delineation, Sensors
2017: D. Ravì, H. Fabelo, G.M Callico, G-Z. Yang, Manifold Embedding and Semantic Segmentation for Intraoperative Guidance with Hyperspectral Brain Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
2017: D. Ravì, C. Wong, F. Deligianni, M. Berthelot, J. Andreu-Perez, B. Lo, G-Z. Yang, Deep Learning for Health Informatics, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
2017: D. Ravì, C. Wong, B. Lo, G-Z. Yang, A Deep Learning Approach to on-Node Sensor Data Analytics for Mobile or Wearable Devices, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
My ActiveMiles App! Dataset! Code! Slide!
2016: D. Ravì, M. Bober, G.M. Farinella, M. Guarnera, S. Battiato,
Semantic segmentation of images exploiting DCT based features and random forest, Pattern Recognition
2014: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Puglisi, D. Ravì, Saliency-based selection of gradient vector flow paths for content-aware image resizing, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
2014: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Puglisi, D. Ravì, Aligning codebooks for near duplicate image detection, Multimedia Tools and Applications
2014: G.M. Farinella, D. Ravì, V. Tomaselli, M. Guarnera, S. Battiato,
Representing scenes for real-time context classification on mobile devices, Pattern Recognition
2010: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Gallo, D. Ravì,
Exploiting Textons Distributions on Spatial Hierarchy for Scene Classification, EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
2010: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, M. Guarnera, G. Messina, D. Ravì,
Red-eyes removal through cluster-based boosting on gray codes, Eurasip Journal on Image and Video Processing
2022: F Trenta, S Battiato, D Ravì An Explainable Medical Imaging Framework for Modality Classifications Trained Using Small Datasets
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP)
2020: D. Ravì Generating Images that Mimic Disease Progression
2019: D. Ravì, D. C. Alexander, N. P. Oxtoby, Degenerative Adversarial NeuroImage Nets: Generating Images that Mimic Disease Progression, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)
2017: F. Deligianni, D. Ravì, S. Roots, B. Rosa, Y. Sun, C. Wong, G-Z. Yang, B. Lo, Pervasive monitoring of mental health for preventing financial distress, Body Sensor Networks Conference, IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
2017: R. Zhang R, D. Ravì, G-Z. Yang, B. Lo, A personalized air quality sensing system-A preliminary study on assessing the air quality of London underground stations, IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
2016: D. Ravì, C. Wong, B. Lo, G-Z. Yang, Deep Learning for Human Activity Recognition: A Resource-Efficient Implementation on Low-Power Devices, IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
2015: D. Ravì, B. Lo, G-Z. Yang, Real-time Food Intake Classification and Energy Expenditure Estimation on a Mobile Device, IEEE Body Sensor Networks (BSN) My FoodRec App!
2012: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, M. Guarnera, D. Ravì, V. Tomaselli,
Instant scene recognition on mobile platform, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) workshop
2012: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, E. Messina, G. Puglisi, D. Ravì, A. Capra, V. Tomaselli, On the performances of computer vision algorithms on mobile platforms, Digital Photography
2012: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Puglisi, D. Ravì, Content-aware image resizing with seam selection based on Gradient Vector Flow, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
2010: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G.C Guarnera, T. Meccio, G. Puglisi, D. Ravì, R. Rizzo, Bags of phrases with codebooks alignment for near duplicate image detection, ACM workshop on Multimedia in forensics, security and intelligence
2010: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, M. Guarnera, G. Messina, D. Ravì,
Red-eyes removal through cluster-based linear discriminant analysis, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
2010: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, M. Guarnera, G. Messina, D. Ravì, Boosting gray codes for red eyes removal, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICIP)
2009: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Gallo, D. Ravì, Spatial hierarchy of textons distributions for scene classification, International Conference on Multimedia Modeling (ICMM)
2008: S. Battiato, G.M. Farinella, G. Gallo, D. Ravì, Scene categorization using bag of textons on spatial hierarchy, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Book Chapters
2019: D. Ravi, N. Ghavami, D. C. Alexander, A. Ianus Current Applications and Future Promises of Machine Learning in Diffusion MRI, Computational Diffusion MRI, Springer
2010: G. M. Farinella, D. Ravì, Image Categorization, Chapter in Image Processing for Embedded Devices” Applied Digital Imaging ebook series - Bentham Science Publisher
White Paper
2017: J. A. Perez, F. Deligianni, D. Ravì, G-Z Yang, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics UK-RAS Network robotics & Autonomous system
2011: G. Messina, D. Ravì, M. Guarnera, G. M. Farinella, Method and apparatus for filtering red and/or golden eye artifact